Marriage has seen better days.
'Til death do us part' has become a fairly meaningless phrase.
Infidelity is skyrocketing.
Self-absorption, finances, gender roles, children, aging parents, failing health, unrealistic expectations, housework, and sexual/ intimacy issues all contribute to the strain experienced by married couples.
What can you do about this?
Improve Your Marriage – Don't Overlook the Obvious can be a part of that answer.
* Filled with 1-3 sentence strategies, truisms, and ideas, which when turned into action, should help a simply 'okay' marriage transform into a much happier one.
* It should be 'must reading' for young adults and is a guide for married couples of all ages!
Improve Your Marriage – Don't Overlook the Obvious tells you what you mom, dad, or best friend would tell you if they knew, had the courage to tell you, or had the opportunity to explain.